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What Percentage of Older Adults Fall Annually?

Between 25-33%

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease common in smokers. It causes obstructed airflow from the lungs and presents with shortness of breath, cough, wheezing and increased mucus. Most people are familiar that orthopedic and neurological conditions may increase the risk of falls. But can lung conditions also contribute to risk of…

  • Can COVID19 increase risk of falls? Yes, read here to learn how… It appears that COVID19 virus protein has a particular affinity to the human ACE2 protein which it uses in order to invade the host’s body (Nature 10.1038/s41586-020-2179-y). Surprisingly, nicotine in the cigarette smoke indirectly increases the production of the ACE2 protein (Mol. Pharmacol.…

  • Everyone knows that if you are at risk of falls your doctor should review your medications. Question is, does medication review along have an effect on reducing falls? A new large study examined over ten thousand patients who underwent medication review based on the state of the art Centers of Disease Control (CDC) recommendations and…

  • Does cardiac disease increase the risk of falls? Short answer is yes (see below for the long answer). That is to mean people with various different cardiac conditions develop secondary complications (see below) that increase risk of non-cardiac, “mechanical falls”: trips, slips, loss of balance and fall related complications, e.g. bone fractures. What should we…

  • Many older adults report that they fall due to slips, trips and loss of balance episodes (1,2). This evidence makes it appear that nothing is wrong with the patient, problem is due to extrinsic factors: environmental hazards. A large review article in a very reputable journal shows that majority, and the most important risk factors…

  • Peripheral vascular disease is found in older adults with history of tobacco consumption. It may present with skin discoloration, pain with exertion or at rest, and may at times need surgeries for improved blood flow or even may lead to amputations. Physicians assess it using ankle/brachial index (ABI) utilizing the ultrasound machine in the office…

  • Are you concerned about your loved one’s driving safety? A systematic review of 15 studies including 17,349 subjects showed that a history of prior fall in older adults was associated with a significantly greater risk of subsequent motor vehicle collision with 1.4 times the risk compared to those with no history of falls. One study…

  • Q: How to prevent falls in older adults? A: Currently, the “Welcome to Medicare” prevention visit as well as the Medicare annual wellness visit with your generalist includes a brief screening for risk of falls. This is not a thorough examination. Older adults worried about falling are usually told by their primary care doctors to…

  • PICKING THE RIGHT COMMUNITY BASED FALL PREVENTION PROGRAM OK, the senior centers are still closed for the most of the country, but we all hope they will start opening soon. They have so many programs there , and each program is touted to be better than others, but how does one go about picking something…

  • Unlock the 10-Second Secret to Longevity! Balance test could be included in routine health checks for older adults. The inability to stand on one leg for 10 seconds in mid to later life is linked to a near doubling in the risk of death from any cause within the next 10 years. Could it be…